Butterfly Networking(OLD)

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Your Marketing People.

We Help You Market Your Business Online (so you can focus on doing what you love)

What Our Team Can Do For You.


Power your Facebook page with custom marketing content that is branded with your logo. 2 posts a day every single day. We do the heavy lifting so you can focus more on doing what you love.


You need more than a website. You need a website that is designed to convert visitors into active customers. Let our lead marketing team build you a site that brings in new business.


You've been building an email list of customers and potential customers. Now let us send out topical content that converts that list into even more business.

Featured Articles

6 Micro-Distractions Killing Your Productivity

6 Micro-Distractions Killing Your Productivity

Distraction: we all know it. We’ve all felt it. Most of us are intimately familiar with its troublesome effects. The days it leaves us alone, we sail through our work, productive as all get out, churning out great material and leaving our desks satisfied, focused, and ready to dive back in tomorrow. The days when … Continue reading 6 Micro-Distractions Killing Your Productivity

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4 Reasons You Should Run a Social Media Contest

4 Reasons You Should Run a Social Media Contest

If you are on social media, chances are you’ve seen a company or individual you follow run a social media contest. These contests serve a variety of purposes. For one, they’re fun for customers and clients. Secondly, they’re a great way for the company in question to advertise itself and its products and to expose … Continue reading 4 Reasons You Should Run a Social Media Contest

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3 Killer Content Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs

3 Killer Content Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur’s life: other people envy it, but only when they’re not that familiar with the daily schedule, or the list of responsibilities. If you’ve ever heard the saying “entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week,” you probably know exactly how true that … Continue reading 3 Killer Content Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs

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Carla McNeil, the leading social media manager helps you make money with your social media campaigns on FaceBook Linked In, Twitter, and Instagram. Before social media came along, Carla worked in everything from selling Avon products to teaching sewing to consulting in the hospitality industry. It May sound like she’s tried a bit of everything but every job, profession, and career Carla’s engaged in has been about networking and being social. That’s what social media marketing is all about and it fits Carla to a T! Trained by the best in internet marketing, Carla fast became a geek who loves to teach, especially when it comes to social media marketing. Along the way, Carla realized the power and fun of FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram. Discovered that chatting, networking, and socializing on the internet is profitable . . . if you know what you’re doing. Carla knows what she’s doing. She’s helped her clients find customers and clients, build relationships, and sell more products and services with social media marketing. She can manage your social media marketing campaigns.

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